Picture Quotes

A collection of creative, handmade, art and craft, encouraging, inspiring and humorous quotes on images. These images are copyright to Creative Treasury. You are free to use these images, for non-commercial purposes, with reference and direct link back to this website.

Sep 142015

Life is full of good things.PictureQuote.creativetreasury.com.au

Life is full of good things that need to be shared. Elena P.

We mainly get to see negative and depressing stories in the news and I believe we need to share more of the beautiful and good things that happen in life - things we do and things we love that make us smile, arty crafty stuff that stirs up the creativity in us, those gorgeous finds, recreations of little nooks or bits 'n pieces, finding a special treasure, visiting an inspiring place ....

What have you got to share?

Apr 112015
To Market To Market

To Market, To Market is a new category in Creative Treasury. This category will have posts sharing markets visited around Melbourne, Victoria … or wherever I can reach around Australia. I’ll be on the lookout for handmade markets plus creative crafters and artisans with awesome creations that can be shared with you. Although this blog is still a work in …[Full story]